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flox services logs command


flox-services-logs - show logs of services


flox [<general-options>] services logs
     [ -d=<path> ]
     [ --follow ]
     [ -n=<num> ]
     [<name>] ...


Display the logs of the specified services.

If no services are specified, then the --follow flag is required and logs from all services will be printed in real time.

One or more service names specified with the --follow flag will follow the logs for the specified services.

If a service name is supplied without the --follow flag then all of the available logs are displayed for that service. If specified with the -n flag then only the most recent <num> lines from that service are displayed.

An error will be returned if a specified service does not exist.


-d, --dir
Path containing a .flox/ directory.

Follow log output for the specified services. Required when no service names are supplied.

-n, --tail
Display only the last <num> lines from the logs of the specified services.

Which service(s) to display logs for. When omitted logs from all services will be displayed but the --follow flag is required.

General Options

-h, --help
Prints help information.

The following options can be passed when running any flox subcommand but must be specified before the subcommand.

-v, --verbose
Increase logging verbosity. Invoke multiple times for increasing detail.

-q, --quiet
Silence logs except for errors.


Follow logs for all services:

$ flox services logs --follow
service1: hello
service2: hello

Follow logs for a subset of services:

$ flox services logs --follow service1 service3
service1: hello
service3: hello

Display all available logs for a single service:

$ flox services logs myservice


flox-activate(1) flox-services-start(1)